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Writer's pictureHeather Dolland Tamam

What's The Purpose?

So many of us are walking around feeling the weight of this big question: “What is my purpose?” And if you haven’t figured it out yet, it can feel heavy, like everyone else is on this fast track to fulfillment while you’re just trying to get through the day.

But let me tell you something — it’s okay if you don’t know yet. In fact, I need you to know that not knowing is part of the journey. It’s part of your story. You don’t need to have it all figured out right now. And guess what? You’re exactly where you’re supposed to be.

First things first, let’s take the pressure off. Somewhere along the way, we were told that we should have our life purpose all wrapped up with a nice little bow by the time we hit a certain. Nothing could be further from the truth! Purpose doesn’t work on anyone else’s timeline.

You’re not late. You’re not behind. Your purpose unfolds over time, and every experience — even the ones that don’t make sense right now — is leading you to it. So, breathe. You’re on the right path, even if it doesn’t look like what you imagined.

Your purpose isn’t always some big grand vision right out of the gate. It might start small, like a tiny whisper. Follow that whisper. Is there something you love to do that you’ve been putting off? A passion you haven’t explored yet? Start there. Purpose often begins with curiosity.

Here’s something I need you to hear: Purpose isn’t a destination. It’s not this one big thing you’re meant to find. It’s how you live your life every day. It’s in the way you show up in your relationships, in your work, and in your community.

Every single day, you’re walking in your purpose, even if you don’t have a big title for it yet. Your purpose is how you love, how you create, how you give, and how you grow. It’s not a place you arrive at — it’s a way of living.

So don’t get caught up thinking that purpose is out there somewhere in the distance. It’s in the small choices you make, the way you serve, the love you give right here, right now.

Life is full of twists, turns, and surprises. Your purpose might look one way today and completely different in five years. And that’s a good thing.

Be open to change. Be open to evolving. Your purpose will grow as you grow. And if you wake up one day and realize you’re being pulled in a new direction, don’t resist it. Your purpose is trying to show you a new path, and it’s all part of the process. Trust it.

I know it can feel uncomfortable to not have all the answers. But let me remind you — growth lives in that space of not knowing. When you embrace the unknown, you open yourself up to possibilities you never even dreamed of.

The magic happens when you’re willing to sit in the “I don’t know” and trust that clarity will come when it’s time. Your job right now is to keep showing up, keep learning, keep growing, and trust that your purpose is being revealed, little by little, step by step.

I would welcome the opportunity to be part of your journey as you discover the purpose already within you waiting to bloom.

In Love & Light,


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Oct 17, 2024

I remember countless occasions over the past years when I asked myself that very question, and I am certain that many persons still struggle in that regard today. This program is an essential service and I have no doubt it will undoubtedly benefit many for years to come.

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