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Writer's pictureHeather Dolland Tamam

Think You're Not Qualified?

A few days ago, I was looking at my YouTube Channel, and came across a video I made titled "Why Isn't My Hair Growing?" that I shot 3 years ago.

Being completely open and honest, I gasped.

I absolutely did not recall my hair being so short and forgot that after my big chop, there was approximately one inch of hair on my head.

In my defense, it was also shot approximately 5 months after I chopped all my hair off.

That I had the gumption to shoot a video called "Why Isn't My Hair Growing?" has me blown away. Then I remembered.

I became a Content Creator and signed my first contract with a haircare brand, with one inch of hair! The length of my hair was not an impediment, because I knew the knowledge I had even then, had value!

In life, we have the capacity to make a difference in the lives of others at any stage.

All you have to be, is ahead.

The person with shoulder or mid length hair would look at me and wonder if I was crazy.

Why would they ever take advice from someone like me with practically no hair?

However, the person who was still thinking about going natural, and was absolutely terrified because they had no idea how to manage their natural hair; they were my audience.

The purpose of this post isn't to speak about hair.

It's to help you recognize that we often don't realize the value of the knowledge and experience we already possess.

Many of us allow ourselves to be caught by comparison paralysis.

I'm not saying that if you want to make change in your life, you already know absolutely everything necessary. Nothing could be further from the truth.

As was grow and evolve, we need the mental resources necessary to support our vision.

But far too many times, we hesitate to take even the first step because we don't think we know enough, and we allow the opinion of those around us to impact our decisions.

In the video attached, I share how I overcame a number of these mental hurdles.

As always, I hope the stories and views I share, provide you with the support you need to navigate your journey.

I welcome the opportunity to support you in any way that works best for you.

On my YouTube Channel, my Podcast, Live, Learn, Leverage, my Programs or in a one-on-one call.

Please click HERE to schedule a discovery call.

As always, I wish you all of the very best.

In Love & Light,


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